About Yin Yoga
Yin yoga is often described as a "quiet practice". Poses are held for at least 5 minutes and most all poses are either seated or reclining.
Often props such as bolsters, blocks, straps and blankets are used to support the body in poses as needed. I always offer variations and alternatives. I sometimes offer verbal or hands-on assists (always with permission).
In the poses, it is the job of the student to find ease, as best they can, to reduce striving and be as present as possible with the shifting sensations that are occurring in body as they stay in the shape. For many of us, this is mentally challenging.
There is a tendency that we all have for wanting things to be different to how they actually are. We want to go deeper, to do better, to compare, to compete.
In Yin Yoga we aim to let these tendencies subside and try to bring our body and mind into the awareness of each present moment. This helps to calm the mind, reducing stress and mental fatigue.
Alongside these mental benefits, Yin's physical benefits include: increasing range of motion, stretching tissue, releasing chronic tension, reducing physical stresses, increasing breath capacity and awareness.
This is a photograph of me and my friend and Yin teacher Norman Blair. I highly recommend his book on Yin Yoga as a valuable resource to a Yin Practice.
You may also wish to join my Facebook Group for Yin Home Practice